Loser Machine Company is a hybrid skate/motorcycle (ugh) brand out of California. Loser Machine sells apparel 'geared' towards motorcycle builders and riders in an effort to cash-in on the recent popularity of 60's & 70's bike culture. The garments themselves are so lazy; a shame, because much of the imagery is really nicely done. Stock black tees, flannel shirts, and mesh caps with logos pressed on and kicked out the door with no consideration for quality. A paint-by-numbers 'So-Cal Skate-Biker" .
A few months back Harley Davidson released this advertisement for the Motor Company's next big thing: the Iron 883 Sportster. It caused a stir in the scene because many people felt like HD was marketing their (the riders') lifestyle to outsiders in an effort to boost slouching sales. That is exactly what HD is doing, because it works, because it's trendy. At the same time, it could be the Spring '09 lookbook for Loser Machine. Not because the people are wearing Loser Machine gear, but instead Loser Machine is selling the same gear, but with their name stamped on it; a cultural middle-manning of the people they supposedly represent.
It's a cheesy, bullshit, sellout cash-in, and what bothers me the most about Loser Machine is that it goes by without criticism. Skateboarding and motorcycles and the culture that surrounds them always represented individuality to me. Progression through artistic vision, not phoned-in stereotype manipulation.
A company that markets homebuilders farming their products out to be made overseas? That makes about as much sense as a barber shop that sells hats.
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